A data exchange system can range from internal platforms that facilitate data sharing within government departments to systems connecting multiple agencies and authorized third parties. These systems enable public organisations to securely and efficiently share structured data among them or with authorised entities, reducing administrative burdens and enhancing interoperability across sectors. Any system that facilitates the secure exchange of data relevant to public service delivery is considered a data exchange system. The Map focuses on national or federal-level, cross-sectoral data exchange systems that are integral to public service delivery.
Click on a country on the map to explore its data exchange system that acts as DPI.
You can also use the regional filter on the left to find a country. Clicking on the country in the list, and then the map, will show you more information.
Read about our methodology on mapping data exchange systems as DPI here.
Find the raw data on the DPI Map here.
This map is for illustrative purposes only. Names and boundaries do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the DPI Project Map Team and its partners.
This visual map has been developed with the generous support of PLACE (thisisplace.org)