Enables service providers to collect a KYC packet of profile information
Identity act establishes the identity authority being subject to general oversight of the courts
Allow digital authentication
Allow individuals to use a SSO or esign facility to authenticate themselves through a single government portal
Collects or uses biometric data
Digital identity
Governance structure responsible for de digital identity
Identity act codifies the digital identities legal status
Identity act establishes the accountability of the ID executors to the ID authority
Identity act or civil registry act
Identity act or secondary policy transparent about the terms of collection, storage and sharing of personal data
Identity system is under the purview of Freedom of Information Law
Legally binding redressal mechanism
Name of the identity
Ndaga Muntu
Qualitative status for implementation
However, the implementation of the system falls short of the expectations of some Ugandans due to technical gaps, denial of entitlements, and the corruption among officials. By September 2022, the National Identification Register had 25.9 million Ugandans registered, with an estimated 17.4 million citizens yet to register to attain a national ID.
Quantitative status of implementation
Secondary act or policy for digital identity
Type of institutional governance structure