Analysis from the data on The Map below is based on a sample of data collected across Africa, South and South East Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America (as on 11/06/2024). This analysis will be updated periodically.
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The insights below are constrained by unavailable or inaccessible data (which varies across the variables studied) since this study relies on public datasets. Each insight was also derived from variable sample sizes, based on the quality of the data and the relevance of the sample to the insight.
Identity systems
Of the 132 identity systems studied across 132 countries, few were backed by technological functionalities of digital ID (like digital authentication), and still fewer upheld strong data governance norms.
Payment systems
Of the 156 payment systems studied across 132 countries, 7 were regional payment systems (6 in Africa and 1 in Asia). 9 countries in Africa had no domestic digital payment systems (IPS) but were instead part of in-development regional IPSs.
Data Exchange systems
134 data exchange systems were studied across 132 countries, recording substantial differences in the models, participants and governance structures across regions.
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Citation guidelines
Eaves, D., Rao, K., Pagliarini, G., & Vera, K. (2024). DPI Map (Version 1.0).