PesaLink,MPesa (Mobile Money)
?- 32,?- 972 K merchants
Kenya is an interesting edge case. The mobile money system has tons of transactions, but there are only 3 MMOs participating, and zero banks or MFIs. Similarly PesaLink has multiple participants and lots of transactions, but only doing P2P payments among banks. PesaLink is also a "private-association" IPS - it's governed by an associated made up of entirely private sector participants. MM interoperability but lack of national interoperability Part of regional IPS network (The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa- COMESA)
Unknown,Free for transactions up to 100 Kshs. Then charges are based on value + payer/payee service
2023- USD 15 K,?- USD 1 B daily
2023- 16 M,Unknown