Unique Population Registration Code (CURP) Cédula Única de Identidad Digital
Interbank Electronic Payment System (SPEI) (Platform) + CoDI (request to pay interface)
Latin America
2022- 85
Cash payments in Mexico are higher than in any other LatAm country SPEI Operates the RTGS platform for Mexico. It is mostly used for remittances but is gaining traction for e-commerce. CoDi is a request-to-pay overlay service in which merchants contracted by SPEI participants or registered nonparticipants can request payment from a customer through QR code, NFC, or web interface. Only SPEI-registered participants can use CoDi. Note on interoperability policy- all major financial institutions must connect with each other with no (explicit) financial costs to individuals. Uses a hybrid settlement model instead of RTGS. DNS (WB Fast Payment Tracker)
2022- USD 16201 B
2022- 2792 M